New Year, New Bloom...

Happy New Year Blip world!  A not so quiet evening thanks to the multitude of fireworks that were set off in the neighbourhood! I celebrated midnight whilst being in the shed in the company of the bunny and his radio playing 80's tunes - he didn't seem bothered by the fireworks but could have just been distracted by the treats I supplied him with!

A grey day to start the new year and I've begun the year productively - it won't last!! Bed stripped, wardrobe clutterings sorted through, prints of photos ordered, emails caught up with, new calendars updated,  a bit of jigsaw puzzling, even some gardening as I got to prune back the dahlias that the frost finally got to, and now time to read! I hope the rest of the year continues in similar form!!

First hellebore flower spotted in the garden! And hopefully many more to follow!

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