Here's to Fun in 21...

The walk this morning was curtailed when we realised we weren't ten any more and sheets of ice on steeply descending country lanes held nothing for us but pain... but it was a lovely morning. Remarkably, we had not drank all the champagne, which meant we could snooze happily after a slap up lunch.

We wandered around the newest of the construction sites, which now boasts some 4-bed houses Barbie would struggle to fit into. It was with some confusion that we learned from the advertising outside the showroom that this would be "a lovely new community surrounded by Somerset countryside". Somerset starts about forty miles to the south of us; we are in Gloucestershire.

Overall, it was a lovely New Year, and all the folk in our short lane came out to welcome in 2021 with assorted socially distanced glasses of joy. I borrowed yesterday's blip for a rare and positive blog post. Despite the best efforts of the news and social media, it's been a fab year - as told on Blipfoto!

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