A New Day

By ANewDay

Grampians in the Snow

Had a stressful morning with time-wasters coming to look at my old car and then trying to knock hundreds of pounds off the price, in spite of being told the figure I wouldn't go below! It's a super car and I'm not giving it away. I've checked the price on several websites and it's more than fair, so I'm hanging on for a bit more:)

Needed to get out, so went for a drive in the new car up the back roads towards Glenshee. Forgot how mucky the roads would be and a white car shows every spot of dirt:) There was still a lot of snow and we had the quiet roads to ourselves, so it was very soothing. Lovely blue sky on one side, but black clouds on the other, so not sure which way they were going.

My Man in a Million excelled himself by actually offering to wash my car down when we got home:) A second helping of pudding for him tonight!!

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