New Year, new walk variation
It is somewhat to our shame that neither of us has - until today - been in Warriston Cemetery. We've walked all around it, but never been in it. In fact, it's only in the last few days that I've even worked out how you (officially) get into it, off the Goldenacre Path. So this morning, in sunny and cold weather, I tried out a new walk variation, taking me through Victoria Park, to the five ways, down the Goldenacre Park, into the cemetery, out of the "unofficial" exit, which takes you back onto the path we tred regularly between Canonmills and home. I knew where the unofficial entry/exit was, but wanted to approach it from inside the cemetery. It was a bit slippy and - in the cemetery - muddy at times, but it was a rewarding and interesting walk. I took a few photographs, but I will be back! Hopefully with Mr A, who shares my love of old cemeteries.
Most of the rest of the day was spent making some bread. The recipe is a bit of a faff, but the bread was very tasty indeed and, on what was essentially a day of rest, very rewarding to make. I had to start the pre-ferment yesterday evening, and then it took most of the day, after getting back from my walk, to make and bake the bread. I had some with my evening meal. It was delicious, and I've put a picture in as an extra. But I don't think I will be repeating the experience too often. But it served the purpose of giving me a sense of focus on a day that might otherwise have got away from me, of giving me a bit of an insight into bread making, and of using some of the khorosan flour which I bought recently. I was so busy hopping up and down out of my chair to fold the dough, and to check on its progress, that I never got round to going on the spinning bike, which had been my intention. Ah well, there's tomorrow for that.
Later on, we're going to watch the final of Christmas University Challenge. We don't often watch stuff live, but we might do with this. It's been a fun series.
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