New Year’s Day Walk

Thank you so much for the response to my train photo yesterday. Delighted to see it on page two of popular.

Heavy rain first thing nearly scuppered our walk. However we decided to brave the elements and glad we did. We parked in Helmsley market place which was remarkably quiet. No hoards of bikers (motorcycles) today. A walk through Duncombe Park and onto a slightly busier Cleveland Way. A mixture of hard surfaces, ice and mud made for an interesting walk. 

Good to catch up with Matthew, Mary and their dog Mara. Youngest son Thomas is on the right of this photo. You might just make out Jet who worships Matthew dogging his footsteps. Richard had to backtrack as he dropped Jet’s lead along the way. Fortunately he found it as a kind person had picked it up and popped it on the fence. 

As we arrived back in the Market Place we spotted this rainbow. Hope it portends a good year ahead.

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