First frittata
Made my first frittata with our own girl's eggs and I'm sure the there will be many more to come! It's a staple when the girls are in full lay; just one or two a day at the moment during the cold dark days.
I don't make any New Year resolutions but have joined in with a friend's 'The Make Nine Challenge' a pledge to create 9 things and share with those joining in, as you go along. Sounded like fun so I'm in! I'm already making plans. I also do a reading challenge on the Goodreads app with friends and family each year. My personal challenge is to reach a weight with a number 8 (that's stones I'm not a kilo weigher!) at the beginning as I am becoming more and more sugar free! I'm almost there and managed not to gain any weight over Christmas. When I do I'm hoping to get my blood sugar levels tested again and if they haven't improved I will be very unhappy!!
I spent most of the day sorting my stash of fabrics which had become very unruly! Apparently Ainsley, would like more clothes for her Luna for her birthday, which is later this month so I'd better get on to it!
The snow started to disappear today the first signs of any thaw since it laid on Christmas Eve. Of course then everywhere will be really muddy. Reg will also be disappointed, no more snowballs to chase.
I hope everyone has had a good start to the New Year and will enjoy a happy and bright 2021.
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