Stormy day today, but took a walk along the cliff edge to see dark clouds over Scarborough and this strong grass being blown backwards by the wind. Needless to say the wind chill factor was high.

Back home for a warm. A mug of Yorkshire Tea with some Yorkshire Parkin to eat. All set to watch Bradford (from Yorkshire) play Swansea (not from Yorkshire) in the League Cup Final. Hope you are still following - keep up ! The final result - 0-5 to the team NOT from Yorkshire - well done to them in their first major final. The Yorkshire underdogs can fight another day.

Just a mention of the image yesterday - it appears that I was being a romantic. The Yella was so-called because it was printed on yellow pages. Thanks for all the Blipper help in correcting this. Sports papers were printed on pink paper in the North East when I was young. Thanks again.

Hope you all have a grand week !

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