An icy walk in the woods

Early start again as the puppy woke just after 5.30. We’ve been trying to wait till 7 but he got increasingly agitated so I popped down and he rushed into the garden. He did have another wee sleep until just after 7 so it wasn’t all bad - just a pity I didn’t fall asleep again!

We took him to the local country park - Vogrie - for a run about in the woods. It wasn’t too busy but was quite icy underfoot. Phin really enjoyed being out and meeting new people and their dogs.

Home for a bite of lunch after which I helped Miss PHL tidy her room a little. She’d treated herself to some new clothes in the sales and she needed to go through them and work out what needed to be sent back. shes feeling a lot better today and hasn’t needed any painkillers so is dressed in her usual jeans and a jumper. So good to see her looking much more like herself

I started to feel a little queasy so took myself off to bed for a lie down and fell fast asleep for a few hours. My impromptu nap meant that I missed a catch up with a really good friend in London - luckily she understood and we’ve rescheduled for Tuesday.

Scrambled eggs for tea seems to have helped but I’m planning an early night very shortly.

Thank you so much for all your comments, stars and hearts for my 2 year blip yesterday - you’ve pushed me to page 3 of the popular pages. Very honoured.

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