As Requested.

I had intended to spend most of today getting to some kind of grips with photoshop, but ended up giving upstairs a good clean. Wondering if that's somewhat 'telling'? I am determined to get to understand it, but when I follow the instructions to the letter (As I think) and it just doesn't do it, I get more frustrated, but in many ways more determined. But not necessarily today!

Eventually settled down to have a go at a tutorial when Hayley came through on the Portal. She and the Kids were bored, so we spent a couple of hours playing silly games and reading stories - With a couple of 'crashes' along the way - Technology!! See extra. I really is good fun when it's running. Have to say seeing Reggie on the bike was funny, and felt very real. I did a parachute jump and couldn't get out of it for ages, so free fell for a long way! All good fun.

 Jeff wanted me to take a night shot of the tree he pruned a while back. I actually thought he was joking, but he wasn't! So we went out tonight and I had a go on 'live composite'. Wasn't sure exactly what he wanted, but it gave me a blip. Think it needed some more light on the left, but he soon went indoors and I quit and joined him as it really needed two of us with the torch and shutter release.

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