Nothing day

Today nothing much happened! I wanted to have a sort out ( which has become a bit of a mantra of late). My intention was to move all my sewing stuff to my son’s bedroom so I could sew uninterrupted, listening to podcasts and could leave my sewing machine out during a project. Rather than sewing on the dining table and having to put it away to make way for meals. This was a Herculean task and involved lots of sorting out. It also involved a trip down memory lane as much of my sewing bits and pieces came after sorting Mums stuff out after she died.

However in the course of sorting out I wanted to find a home for the (almost completed) millennium Falcon which was a Christmas present for my son 2019. He had intended to complete it this year but it didn’t happen!

I asked him if I could break it up to go back in the box but he was very reluctant........ so I shall find somewhere else safe to store it for another 12 months!

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