The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

The First Of Many

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I have so many memories of the first time I did something but there are very few moments in life that I realised were ‘the last time.’

The last time I wore a nappy
The last time I watched a VHS tape
The last time I used dial up
The last time I changed the channel on the actual tv
The last time I used a pay phone
The last time I went for a run

But today as we took down our Christmas tree, I was acutely aware that this was the last time we will do this with everyone living under the same roof. All going well, The Eldest Mini Princess will start university this year and begin writing her first solo chapter.

And this is exactly how it should be. Her wings are strong enough to carry her as far as she wants to fly.

Last times create space for first times.

(But I think I had some dust in my eye from the tree!)


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