Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Mixed lazy day

Lie in this morning.

Collected my sister (we are her support bubble) as we both had our appointment for the vaccine (tizer as my hubby calls it). After the injection, 2nd appointment made (3 weeks) and a 15 min rest before home again (via coffee collection). ;)

Rested this afternoon - hubby took the lights down outside and de-christmassed indoors, whilst I watched Bridgerton (Netflix). [The Duke of Hastings is very handsome - I’m not sure about some of the music, modern played in a historical way (ie they played “Thank U” Ariana Grande played by a string selection] :)

I had planned to get on with my knitting this evening but (due to fireworks, again!), the dogs needed consoling. We ended up watching “Witches” 2019 version - very good. :)


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