
By EmmaGT

Alone in alleyways

It's been a bit of a 'meh' day with nothing going on but tidying. I almost forgot to take a picture but while on a short walk I was reminded and snapped this.
I spent about 10 months walking our geriatric dog around our street and back street last year as she became unable to go very far, and she very patiently let me take endless photos of empty alleys and back streets. I used to love taking the last walk of the day with her, it always felt like we were together alone amongst these Victorian terraces we live in, even more so on icy nights, and even even more so when lockdown hit. I treasured that time with her, it was ours, and she never said no, whatever the time.

Now and then I get a restless itch and realise I have to walk around the block, like she's still telling me it's time to get ready for bed

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