
By Brookeside

Daddy look!

Today we went to my friend Holly's 2nd birthday party! It was at soft play and I loved watching all the bigger boys and girls running around. We went into the party room and had lunch and then a big friendly tiger came to say hi! I was concentrating on eating so didn't get a photo taken with him :( I was a very good girl as usual and didn't gurn or cry once even when everyone was shouting and singing and the lights went out when Holly's cake was brought in. The more I'm seeing of these birthday party things the more I'm looking forward to having one! I'm not quite sure when my birthday is but mummy says its still a long way off and she hopes it stays a long way off as then I won't be her little baby anymore! After the party we went to the shops and I fell asleep in my buggy. Then when we came home I ran around in my walker, I kept trying to grab my bookbug calendar off of the table so mummy gave me it and I wouldn't let go for ages! This is a pic of me running towards daddy coming in the door to show him my calendar.

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