Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

In tandem...

... On a cold Winters night.
Only a phone blip; I couldn’t carry the camera as well as parcels.

Good news in the form of a baby girl arrived in the early hours... My Goddaughter is to be congratulated, after what turned out to be a very long labour.
(The older you grow, I find, the more you worry about such things, taking nothing for granted. Breathing again now, and rejoicing... I am at least. No doubt the new Mum might be too!).
Tigger, from yesterday, is one of the items now wending his way to ‘the Bab’, as they say where I’m from.
I remain old fashioned in that I can’t find it in me to send presents for a baby until it is safely here.

Life goes on, thank goodness, whatever we are going to hear in the address to the Nation this evening.

(Whatever ARE we going to hear I wonder?).

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