today was the first of 3 medical appointments, but maybe the other two will be cancelled because Boris will announce another lockdown in 30 minutes.....
Anyway i went in a taxi because there never is a parking place at the Cambrian and i didn’t want to park a fair bit away where it would be slippery.

After lunch i had a little walk where i noticed a low wall that called for a blip.

Later in the afternoon i had a phone call from Holland regarding mum’s move to a ‘locked’ home....a dementia home, where the living area doors are locked for her own safety......i gave my permission because i know it is best for her as she needs so much care.......i had a cry after i put the phone down having the feeling i assigned her to the workhouse.....
I know the home is very lovely though and run by the same company running the home she is in now.

I was so disturbed to hear of 3 13/14 yr olds who stabbed a 13 yr old lad to death.....what on earth has gone into those kids......what is their family life like........i wonder

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