A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Monday's End

It has been a day of great productivity. Preparation for the new term, which starts briefly on Thursday, is well under way.

While the UK heads for another total lockdown and school closures, we are, as far as we know, continuing in a state of some normality.

But the Campo de Gibraltar, our neighbouring municipalities, have all been closed off because of the increasing infection rates in Gibraltar itself, so it is all getting horribly close.

It's the Festival of the Three KIngs on Wednesday, so we shall see what happens once that is all over.

Batten down the hatches, pull up the drawbridge and generally hunker down for another month of extreme restrictions.

But above all stay safe.

Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

P.S. Couldn't believe all the supporters of Assange huddled together with no masks outside the courthouse today.

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