The story so far...


Busted boys!

Today, regardless of the falling snow we headed to cj's house for a BBQ (kiwi's will cook outside whatever the weather). Lunch was lovely and the boys played with cj's cars and animal train whilst the adults chatted, laughed and ate good food. They are also starting to become increasingly cheeky and sly and while cam was 'supposed' to be sleeping he wriggled forward (one of today's new exciting developments of a commando crawl, albeit only very short distances) and cj pulled himself up on the sofa so they could reach cj's mummy's box of chocolates. Luckily they were still wrapped otherwise I am sure they would have helped themselves.
It is great to see cam already having a great friend and we love the great friends we have made too thanks to him!

The other exciting development of today is that instead of having just his 4th tooth appear, mummy realised teeth 5 and 6 have also popped through. 6 down, 16 to go!

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