Planko's Pics

By planko

Loch Earn Sunset

Took a trip on my own this evening to St Fillans on Loch Earn to take a sunset shot.

Thought i'd timed it perfectly, but could have done with being there about 30 minutes earlier. Long way to go (over an hour each way) just for some photographs, but then we are a daft bunch us blippers!

Got there only to find my remote wasn't working and I didn't have another battery for it with me, nor were there any shops open nearby where I could get one. Oh well, had to make do and take what I could. Think i'll buy a backup wired one 'just incase'.

Will be back in the summer. I think the four seasons hotel (who's jetty this is) remove the boards from the jetty over winter whilst they are closed. Hope to take this shot again once the hotel is back open and the boards are back in place.

Diet Log:

Breakfast: Two small sandwiches (danish bread)
Lunch: Soup
Dinner: Very tasty HB Massala Marinated Chicken with Salad & mint yogurt
Snack: Special K bar, fruit pot, Weight Watchers Banoffee Desert and still under my calories for today!


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