
It was a miserable day weather-wise; despite the Met office's protestations,  there were intermittent cold sleet-y showers all day. Only bright spot was that they reminded me of my late brother's favourite Sound of Sleat joke....

Although we had made a joint Herculean effort to finish the map jigsaw before D went back we didn't quite manage it. Finished it this morning including finding a piece that was in the wrong place (fitted perfectly but contours didn't match up). Grrr. Have put it in the extra for D's benefit.

Then did quite a bit of maths-y stuff and vacuumed the place. The post arrived at about 4 pm - it included two Xmas cards including this one from Belgium! Goodness knows how long it had been in the system. Thank you, Ogatodomar!

Had to give an online tutorial in the evening, v boring I should think (forgot to listen to myself).

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