My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Chair safety

Mr Messi-cat sheltering behind a chair whilst a fox hoovers up some mealworms from the lawn. He’s right by the cat flap so can hop indoors if he needs to.

First day of lockdown schooling today... as N and I are key workers L has gone into school and into a small bubble of children. She was nervous (no one likes change) but as soon as she saw a couple of her friends and her teacher she relaxed. Thank goodness... as we’ve had three disturbed nights sleep in a row in the lead up to this.

I spent all day on the computer - seems a while since I last made pre-recorded sections for lessons and I’m out of practice... it takes such a long time to make, record, upload and share to all the right channels, not to mention putting links and instructions for zoom calls and emails containing passwords sent to children. I’m sure we’ll get back in the swing and rhythm of it soon.

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