Sunday: Lighting The Fire
Enjoyed a nice leisurely morning today which was a real treat. Later in the afternoon, we headed up to our neighbours for pisco sours and tapas. I would like to stress that we were actually invited.......It is great to be able to go out for social stuff but still keep your slippers on....I took a very blurry shot of the tapas and a slightly less blurry shot of Christian lighting the fire.
I have an annoyingly bitty few days coming up. I have quite a few things to take care of, both inside and outside the office, which means I am going to have to spread myself a bit thin....the best approach at time like this, I find, is just to take each step as it comes. Not exactly profound, I know, but it helps me......
Finished reading 'The Spirit of Parliament' by Duncan Schwann MP. Next read is 'The Career of David Noble' by Frances Parkinson Keyes - judging by the fact that it is an old orange and white Penguin edition, original price 3'6'', I think I may have picked it up in a second hand bookshop somewhere. Seems like Mrs Keyes was quite prolific in her time but it's not a name with which I'm familiar.
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