Evening skies

I woke and then dozed off and on till it was time to get up in a rush. I'd booked an online aerobics session at 9. Bad move. I don't really like aerobics, I like live streamed versions even less. Ah well, you win some.....I did follow it with a wee bit of my DVD. That is much more 'my thing'.

Then out for my 'statutory walk', up through Gracemount to Tesco. I wanted bananas. It was cold but clear and almost sunny. The snow has pretty much gone, but I think may be back.

Home to find the mail. Another birthday card, a great take on Hands, Face Space. And a letter that came v earlier than I'd thought and now means I'll be self isolating from tomorrow. That meant a trip to Sainsbury's to stock up. I meant via the Manor. I may not see mum for about 6 weeks. Then to a very, get quiet Sainsbury's and a few empty shelves. I went for cat food but bought a trolley full. I hope I manage to eat/freeze it all before 20th.

And another present arrived, a bouquet from J and D. The flowers that arrived yesterday were supposed to arrive on Saturday, that was the service that they paid for. Me, I think they sat in a Yodel courier's car over the weekend.

So the next stage begins. No hardship really as we're all back in the same boat.

F2F - 3
Phone calls - 4
Virtual - 0

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