An anagram of Hellebore!!??

Hello everyone, hope you are well and staying safe.

Not too much to say today, just a quiet day at home going through files again.  Popped into the garden to see what there is to blip.  A camellia is starting to bud but this hellebore is beginning to go over so I thought I would try and take a photo of it.  I always think it's such a shame that the flower always droops downwards so you don't often see this side of the flower, which is it's prettiest.  I do prefer the pink/purple ones but these are what were in the garden before we move in, so the green ones it has to be.

Hubby walked into town today, partly for exercise and partly to go to The Furness Building Society - he was it was really quiet - so that is great.  I may venture out for a walk tomorrow if the weather is OK but it's so scary to go anywhere really.

It's going to be a challenge to take photos every day, but I will do my best.

Thank you for dropping by, do take care and stay safe.  See you all tomorrow.

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