
By strawhouse


An easy day at work today. There was some problem with the trays we pack the shopping into (they ran out!!!) so I got to leave at 10.30am. Whoop whoop!!!
Still forty five minutes after I thought I’d be finishing when I took the job but it felt like a holiday!
Miss L broke up at noon today so I went to get her and the the afternoon was spent playing Mastermind. She’s freakishly good at it, generally cracking the code on four or five rows. Amazing!
We got put into Tier 3 today. It’s all looking a bit grim. Buckinghamshire is up to 220 cases per 100,000. I’m torn about work. I don’t feel happy being there but I don’t want to let them down - be the kind of person that only sticks out a job for a few weeks, plus it’s pretty good money for a completely mindless, stress free job. But it’s hard to imagine not catching COVID in an environment where there’s so little concern for social distancing, masks, sanitiser etc.
I know Mr K’s not happy about me being there.
I went to Milton Keynes tonight. Leaving at 7.30pm to avoid the crowds if possible. It was heaving like Saturday afternoon. At 9pm!!!
I went to Hobbycraft, Primark, M&S and IKEA. Lots of presents bought and, most importantly, two packets of meatballs safely stowed in the freezer.
I was pretty knackered when I got back. But it’s done.

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