Spot the Dog!

Talking of Spots.... I've had a mark on my back for about 6 months. Its quite itchy. I was putting off going to the Dr due to covid so I sent a picture of it to a friend who's a dermatologist. She came straight back and said it looked like a Rodent Ulcer.... another name for basal cell carcinoma. She recommended I saw the GP. I called them this morning, had a phone appointment within half an hour and was then given actual appointment with the GP and a 4th year medical student at 3.40 and was referred to the Plastic surgeons at my local hospital.

What a great NHS we have. Always there when you need them.

In between appointments, we took Bella for a walk. Its a good route with very little mud but views to die for and lots of logs for Bella to pose on without being asked to!! She'll do anything for a treat!!!!

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