Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack


Well it was far from roasting today, it was flipping freezing!  But as I was on back to back Teams calls from 9am all the way to 5pm, I didn't have time to venture out and go for a power ramble.

I see they're trying to introduce the 8pm clap again on a Thursday, I shan't be participating.  For the past few months if people had followed the rules we wouldn't be where we are now.  I saw a stat today that said we had more than a 1,000 people die in one day today, in one day!  Australia has had less than a 1,000 people die in the whole of the pandemic.  An empty gesture, and I've got more to thank the NHS for than anyone else but I'm sure they would appreciate more people following the rules.

And there ends my rant.

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Having good one to one sessions with my team today as I rolled out the objectives for this year

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