Lunchtime Walk at Greenmow
A breezy day, which feels strange after that lovely spell of weather. It's still been a fairly sunny day, the odd cloud passed over, but rain came in tonight.
I've been working from home today, and mostly working through old photos. I managed to get out walkies with Sammy this evening, and didn't get too wet. With the poor night, I did a serious clean in the sitting with the new vacuum cleaner. Sofas out and cleaned, getting to every nook and cranny. Two more Coronavirus cases recorded today, but looks like it's government figures catching up, as nothing reported locally in the papers.
I headed down to mam's at lunchtime, and we headed out for a walk. A tad breezy, but a fine day for it, and plenty of others out and about too. I would have liked to have gone off road, but wrong footwear, and stayed on the road. We made it to Anness, and then turned around. Looking towards Greenmow, Cunningsburgh.
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