A sad day

...for America. We spent the morning ( evening US time) watching unfolding events in the Capitol/ Capital. I did indoor jobs and made a new T- Shirt for one of my grandchildren. I thought the results from the Georgia election might be in but got a shock when I realised that was not the headline news. Hoping some sense prevails soon and people can get on with their lives.

I’m trying to increase my daily walk tally and noticed this lovely little dog, guarding the house in the next street when I was out and about this evening. He has been there most afternoons and looks so peaceful and happy, such a contrast to how others are feeling at the moment. 

Good news on the Covid front from NSW and Vic ( nil all) but Queensland has a Hotel Quarantine worker testing positive today. They are looking at bringing forward the vaccination program to next month which is good news for the front line staff. In our case the people on the border controls would be highest on the list as we have so few in hospital at the moment. 

Extra is the top of the T-Shirt I made today.

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