The Pose

How often have you seen this pose.....shoulders rounded, heads bowed, sitting in a chair or cross-legged on the floor, individually or in a group.....The Pose.

A group of teenage girls giggling over a magazine, students heads down working on an assignment together, boys bobbing up and down over a comic, a family pondering over a 'Where's Wally' book, all working together sometimes quietly,  sometimes with enthusiasum and vibrance.

I have seen this pose many times, in our home as a family or individually, at the park under the trees with the birds chirping above, in the library where its supposed to be quiet and kids are bursting with excitment at their findings, in the classroom at school where students are working in groups, adults mulling over map books and planning a holiday, in a church as part of a congregation - so many times this pose is seen thoughout our daily lives.

Its apt to see this sculpture created by Chris Riley situated outside our local library, sculptured from Oamaru stone it sits quietly, heads bowed together over an opened book. Sponsored by the Waimakariri District Council and was a Waimakariri Community Arts Council project in 2005.

The open book reads:




I'm slowly returning to commenting with my eyes being much better. Many thanks to all who have looked, commented, left stars and favs over the last few weeks when I have been unable to return the favour. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your words and I'm touched by your concern over my eyes, blip is a wonderful caring and thoughtful community, warm thanks to you all :)

An overcast morning made way to sun streaming through a sky full of white puffy clouds, a warm 16C at noon with the temperature still climbing, not a breath of wind - summer continues to linger.....

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