The best dressed shed.

We have both had a busy day, some of us more than others, if you get my drift. I washed the bedclothes while we were having breakfast, and afterwards did lot's of cleaning. J went out to wash the salt off the car, and that's about it, you really mustn't overdo things. While i was cleaning the bedroom I saw our resident Robin flitting back & fo to the feeder, and I was so excited to see a brief glimpse of a Wren. I went out to see if I could  get a better view of him but he was too fast for me to get a good shot. When we took the decorations down on Monday, J took the garland off the back door. It was too nice to throw away so I asked him to put it on the shed door. It's fish & chips( with mushy peas for me) for our evening meal, washed down with a pot of tea. Looking forward to watching Death In Paradise tonight, although I know it's a bit far fetched, it's escapism , which we all need right now.

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