Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Return to Mahonia...

... (Not Magonia, which is what I always think when I see the mahonia, but I probably read too much about UFOs when I was young and impressionable).

It's still bitterly cold outside; snow and frost lingers.

I spotted a tree creeper, I only managed a blurry photo but it was good to see it, as I haven't seen one in the garden for months. The blue tit was a slightly sharper capture.

I've spent way too long today trying to find a decent CD player to purchase (such is Lockdown, rolls eyes). I know, I know, 'no one wants CDs these days' (like cookery books, it's all 'on line'... But I LOVE my old cookery books, even the splashes on the much-used pages ... And don't even start me on regretting letting the vinyl go).
Any road up I'm no further forward on the CD player; how hard can it be to achieve good quality sound (and a fairly small footprint) but without a weird pretend clever-clogs 'smart' person talking to you about turning the heating up while you're at it? (Surely, SURELY she must listen to other things too, or (ah-ha!) how does she know when you say her name?).
But I digress. I suppose we'll all have a pretend companion to give us our medication when we're old, like it or not?

(I wonder whether she'll know if we spit it out when she's not looking?). 


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