3years 126days

Katie was a lucky little girl today! Today she got to go to the zoo with her friends Harrison and Aiden. Their mummy was doing the zookeeper experience day, so Katie and the boys got to have the WHOLE zoo and rides to themselves for an hour.

I dont know a whole lot about their day. The three children, the boys' daddy and grandparents had a really good time. She said she saw "The stripy monkeys that were climbing on Linda" - the lemurs had a bit of crazy time, 7 of them sitting on her. She saw tigers and hippos, and Linda was feeding the hippos. I asked her if she saw the giraffes: "I do saw the giraffes" she said. Her and harrison and aiden were being the gorilla. "I chose Lamby from the shop, like the sheep" - she kindly treated to a lovely little soft sheep that she has clung to. They went on a helicopter children's ride that she "flew" the helicopter for. They had a car picnic. Lots of fun.

We arrived to pick her up not that long after they'd got home. Katie was being treated to chippy sausage and chips for tea - Mummy even got chips and gravy too. After we'd said goodbye, we took a very tired Katie for a play with The Cousins. She suddenly perked up and went extremely excited. She took them up to play in Cousin2's room and we could hear lots of laughing and giggling.

Katie fell asleep laid cuddling Monkey, Lamby and her jumper, with her arm tight around my neck, cheek to cheek with me.

(This is a temporary image from Aunty Linda until Uncle Steve sends me the photos from yesterday!)

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