
By Madchickenwoman


I always check the news headlines before turning out the light at bedtime - could not believe the news from America. Surely he cannot remain unscathed from this latest and most heinous atrocity. If he was an Islamic preacher he would have been arrested for inciting violence. I still can't believe the mentality of those fervent supporters - they still believe he is acting in their interests - anyone with any intelligence knows he is self serving and no doubt despises those who support him - using them simply as tools to his success and ego. As further nes about the role of the police emerge it is beyond a shambles. 
Well come the morning Nellie of the Woods came round for a coffee - we sat outside and Oscar happily chased his ball and came to the both of us for cuddles! As usual our conversation dwelled on Trump, Boris and covid. With the new strain rampaging round the country and another lockdown it feels like groundhog day. This tome around the police have been given more powers to enter houses where they suspect the lockdown rules are being broken. Don't you just know who they will focus upon - not the rich suburbs. It's hard not to become depressed and cynical  - the gov giving tenders to their cronies for PPI and still floundering and U-turning every step of the way.
At least I am fortunate to live where I do - although covid is progressing in Cornwall as it is elsewhere, the village feels safe despite the many visitors coming to exercise here. This is the view of the River Tamar as it weaves it's way past Cotehele. What better sight to lift ones spirits. 

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