one day in France

By Frenchtoast

Elvis and Archie in the frost!

We had a very heavy frost today, and then a lovely sunny day. I did a bit more clearing of nettles and brambles behind the chickens enclosure while Mr F carried on with his wall, and then, quelle surprise!
I found 18 eggs nestled amongst the weeds! Goodness knows how long they'd been there, possibly two or three months and we've had freezing temperatures lately, so I tested them in water. None floated, so I cracked a few and they were totally watery, so they are all going in the bin.
In other news, my friend Caroline has convinced me that dry January is a bad idea in these times, and what is needed is wet weekends! So being as the weekend has started (not that Saturdays and Sundays are any different from any other day at the moment) I'm on my second G&T, and have opened the Malbec ready for when Mr F gets home with the pizza!

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