
By iona3521

Weaning: The Mess!!!!

I hate weaning children! They should come already weaned and ready to eat chicken nuggets from Macdonalds while at the restaurant so someone else has to clear the mess up! I’m kidding, I don’t take my children to Macdonalds.... much.
When I saw Roo’s lap tonight I actually wondered if he could possibly sleep in the chair so I could tackle this mess in the morning. Anyway, obviously that wasn’t an option as he can’t sleep without me so I hauled him out and dangled him over the dishwasher’s opened door. Bath now done and he’s asleep!

L was at nursery this morning so I took the opportunity to go back to bed with Roo as we were up at 5am. Then had a quick sort of toys and a set up of different toys before collecting L at 1pm. This afternoon was a busy play session with trains, jigsaws and duplo. I was hoping L would be tired from nursery but no such luck. In fact he’s still going strong now at 7pm.
Have a lovely weekend guys xx

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