Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

More cheating from the back-catalogue

This is the only other piece of non-military street decoration in Chatham.
Perhaps even all of the Medway Towns.
I have mentioned it before because it is integral to this cheerful chappie.
I took today's image on Wednesday, when I nipped out to pick up a click-and-collect order from Chatham Argos while waiting for my WFH laptop to access the business servers.
I was away from my desk for a total of fourteen minutes.
I had been waiting for the servers to respond for almost 2 hours.
Looking back over my journal for the past few weeks/months, it does not escape me that my cheerfulness appears to be seeping away.
And that is why, encouraged by this blip from blast, I had ordered a whizzer for the purpose of soup-making.
If I make any soup worth tasting I'll let you know

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