A light dusting ...
Enough of a light dusting of snow to get my Loki and his best mate Bert the dude over excited down at the racecourse. To be honest I rather like a dusting of snow as it does look really really pretty . By lunchtime it had all melted .
Made a few cookies today as I got a bit bored at 2pm and I was snaffling around for a snack , I don’t know about you but I can’t be bothered to go to the supermarket anymore on a whim as it’s become a right faff .. I do almost all shopping online , not just food . I’ve been trying to use independent shops online too , Etsy is good for that and also lots of Instagram adverts come up for independent online retail . As I’m a serial online shopper these kinds of things appeal to me , Jim isn’t so enamoured though ;-) I see it as a selfless act keeping the economy going ........... :-))
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