
Schooling from home today included some maths and some story sequencing, and a story from one of the teachers. There was also a task to build a den - on the types of houses theme.

Cyclops took CyclopsJnr to drive by school to get a packet of supplies, they had a system to pass things in through the car window. This included some jotters and a workbook and a wipe-clean board and some play-doh.

After that MrsCyclops and CyclopsJnr went for a walk. Plan A was abandoned as all paths and roads were trecherous icy, so we headed back to the golf course again so we could walk on the grass. Turns out golf isn't off after all so we just walked around the edge. CyclopsJnr took a large stick with him claiming it helped him on the ice. CyclopsJnr was not in control of said stick. Several times MrsCyclops threatened to snap it in half and throw it in the hedge, but she didn't follow through.

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