Cliff Crumble

My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

Loulou. I must confess I had a headache today. I was trying to hold it in because I enjoy the company of you and Tiger so much. But it is true. 

In case you thought I was a little subdued today. 

For the record, I do feel a little subdued today. But that is not Loulou and Tiger's fault. They came to take Caro and me out for cake and a walk. 

"Shall we do the walk first? Or cake?" asked Loulou.

She then answered her own question by speculating if there would still be cake LEFT after our walk. 

"Cake! Cake!" said me and Caro. 

But the walk was lovely too. We walked along the beach and Tiger told us all about his Xmas present to himself - a drone so he can take aerial pictures of shags.

Oh, he knows fine well what he is saying.

Loulou had to stop for sit after a while (see her blip) while Tiger took us to a spot where a river flows down to the sea. It creates a little cliff of sand that you can stand on and crumble. 

"It's my favourite thing to do in the world," said Loulou. But as she was back sitting on a log, Tiger did it on her behalf. 

After this we went for a drink in Waikanae. Loulou and I decided to be 11 years old again and had fizzy drink floats. 

And I was temporarily unsubdued. But now I am home again and there's a foggy feeling in my head. I need cats.


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