
By inspirational

I brought some daffodils from work, and they are so cheery.
Work passed uneventfully, it was mightily cold on door duty, even with 2 pairs knickers, 2 pairs of tights, thermal top, dress, cardigan, quilted jacket and freezer jacket.
I bought some Christmas things ready for the next one, as we reduced lots of things to 20p. Of course when I got home Harry had already been in the loft!
I walked to Jean’s, she was a bit tearful today as there are lots of staff away with the carers, so the morning one was late and then an hour later the lunch time one came, so she had some dried out sandwiches on a plate. I put those out for the birds and made her some carrot and coriander soup, which she enjoyed, she then brightened up. I walked back home, the days are getting noticeably longer now. I chatted to Rosie whilst we were both walking. I made cauliflower cheese for dinner and ran to the chip shop to buy the accompanying chips, lovely too, they were busy in the shop but the matriarch was on frying duty and she keeps everyone in line. .

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