
Had an achy leg during the night which was solved by ibuprofen and a glass of milk and 'The News Quiz', which I did not her the end of.  I didn't wake up till 5 past 8.  It was to the news that 2 people, who have incidentally influenced me, had died.

First, Michael Apted who made the '7 Up' series for Granada TV.  I didn't see the original '7 Up' when it was first screened but it was shown as part of the SESTA (SE Scotland Training Association) course for youth workers that I went on in the early 1970's.  It was one of the things that encouraged me to qualify as a Youth and Community Worker, which went on to shap the rest of my adult life. 

Then, Katharine Whitehorn, not because she wrote for the 'Guardian' but because she published 'Cooking in a Bedsitter'.  It was given to me by my friend H when I moved to be a student at TC for my PG Youth and Community Work Cert course, living in the garret in Calsayseat Rd, Aberdeen.  That was September 1975 and I still have it, as you can see.  It was a lifesaver and as you can also see from the label it was loaned out but with very strict instructions to return.

And it's the weekend when David Bowie's death, 5 years ago, is being commemorated. There was an item about his interest in space.  Ah, all these days getting up early to watch splashdowns in the ocean.  I was a bit of a space geek too.

It is still v cold outside.  It was -5 during the night.  Despite that Y, next door, and I wrapped up well and sat outside in our respective front gardens for coffee and a chat. Didn't last too long.

I finally realised what the problem with stick blender #1 was but the relevant but is long gone and stick blender #2 is def kaput so I unpacked stick blender #3.  Sigh.  Later I started work on something I said I'd do a couple of months ago and #3 son came to pick up a desk top and drop off some shopping.  We waved through the window. 

I'm hoping I can get Netflix to work ok tonight and I'm also hoping that the caibration problem with the bedroom TRV is not permanent.  Such a bad investment!

F2F - 1
Phone calls - 1
Virtual - 0
SI day 4

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