a lifetime burning

By Sheol

The road goes ever on

Cathy and I went for a reasonably long walk this morning.  With rising cases in our area we were keen to try to avoid other people as much as we can.  Infection rates have doubled in our area in a surprisingly short period, and there is every reason to think that they will follow what has been happening elsewhere in the country as the effects of mingling at Christmas are factored in. We do not have the same sort of rates as the South East as yet, but it really is just a question of time.  So staying away from other people is important. 

The route was largely successful although a section of lane near the chicken farm was pretty unpleasant for about 100 yards(!)  The pungency of chicken manure is quite astonishing.  I'll have to see if there's a footpath or some other alternative that would let us bypass that bit.  Its not something I want to have to walk past again any time soon.

We are trying to be as careful as we can be with the coronavirus risk when we are out and about, but continue to be surprised by how many people still do not socially distance adequately.  For example, Cathy and I huddle to one side of the lane in single file when we meet people coming the other way,  but some people  just continue to walk down the middle of the lane making no attempt to move over.  Its behaviour that would have gone unnoticed a year ago, but now it seems impolite at best and ignorant or rude at worst.  I'm starting to sound like on of those grouchy old men ....

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