This boy is 20

It’s a double birthday today, which I should be used to, as a mother of 23-year old twins but this had other challenges.

WelshLad is with us and away from his lovely Mummy and Daddy and fam. He’s left his teens behind and we needed to celebrate another Covid restricted birthday in style. We’ve had 2 weddings, a 21st, and several other birthdays so we can do it. And I hope we did.

But it was also our brand new daughter-in-laws birthday too and PuddleDuck is away from all her lovely family too. So we popped over there too to see them too. If only we could do more.

We love these two young adults. And they both have blipping mummies and I’m sure they’ll agree that PuddleDuck and WelshLad are indeed v v lovely.

It was also the last day of our church’s week of prayer, and we always finish with a partnership churches prayer meeting. When the 150 of us were put into break out rooms for a catch-up and pray, I found myself facing another blipper and his yummy wife.

These 2 and another friend who I haven’t seen for years make me smile. I would happily just have smiled at them for 20 minutes.

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