Poule-itzer prize
Another very cold frosty day. Mostly we hid inside, but when the hens glower at you like this, someone has to go out and give them treats.
In our continuing battle to not make contact with the rest of humanity, we have figured out a way of giving CarbBoy a slap-up birthday tea without leaving the house to do shopping. Hence I spent much of the day defrosting, mincing, and baking. And another several hours of the same beckons tomorrow morning.
This evening, after a fine Mr B curry, an online quiz for a friend’s 50th birthday. Thanks mainly to Mr B’s quiz skills (with small assistance from my having done a project on Marco Polo when I was 10) we (he) won. Later, TallGirl introduced us to a comedian I didn’t know who made us howl laughing, and we blew up balloons which, turns out, was not popular with the bunnies.
Earlier we hung curtains behind the front door, which CarbBoy sees as one of those weird things that only we do (though having watched Educating Rita last night we could point out that it is sensible in any old house with a draughty door - tick, tick). This conversation was prompted by TallGirl revealing at dinner tonight that she had assumed all families call invading spiders, or other creatures, “Brian”, and her fury that that is another ‘trick’ we have played on her since it turns out none of her flatmates’ families do that. In our defence, CarbBoy was always clear that that is just something we do and he says he would never speak of it outside the family. But in order that she doesn’t make the same mistake in front of her flatmates again, we now have to come up with a list of all the things that only we do. Where to begin...
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