
By Jen_Elliot

The Most Optimistic Graffiti Ever

I was back on the bike today and it did it's magic. The happiness was there. True the light is returning too but the bike had a big part to play.

Have clocked this piece of graffiti for weeks now but have never stopped. On way to work I'm often a wee bit up against it to be on time and of late, the return trip has been in darkness, so not worth/possible to take.

Today was just a morning shift - 10am to midday so snapped this about 1230pm on way home.

It has made me think often. My theory is someone originally wrote 'FUCK THE SYSTEM' and someone else bothered to write the 'UN', hence the different style but there is a hint of the same grey/white paint under the blue. If the original graffiti was as written, then wow. Either way, it is the most optimistic, heartening, pick-yourself-back-up-and-keep-up-the-good-fight piece of graffiti ever.

Feeling the need with regard to the Porty Townhall saga. Fucked system needing un-fucking.....

And that's just in my wee world. If I stopped to ponder Brexit, Covid, coup attempt in America, creeping rise of the right, disintegration of empathy, I'd be tempted to give up right here, right now.

Best get back on my bike and cycle past the above by the Water of Leith to keep my chin up.

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