Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Big News

The promised Big News ... Hubs and I both got our first dose of the Pfizer Vax today.  Didn't hurt a bit and so far all I have to show for it is a slightly sore arm.

This all came about rather suddenly when the Director of the care facility where MIL lives told us on Thursday that Essential Caregivers for residents of the facility were invited (encouraged) to come to the Covid Vaccine Clinic today.  They already vaccinated the long-term/nursing care residents (where MIL lives) over a week ago and today was the day to offer the vaccine to the residents in Assisted Living.  Because they anticipated the provider would bring extra doses, and knowing that not everyone in AL would take the vax, they invited us to get jabbed.  We both leapt at the chance, and patiently waited with about 30 other family Essential Caregivers for our turn.  Once the vaccines were warmed up to the right temp, the actually jabbing process went very quickly - less than 2 minutes each.  

We will go back in 3 weeks for the second dose and then, roughly 7-10 days after that, we should have as much immunity as we're going to get.  Meanwhile, MIL will get her second dose on the 23rd of this month.  

Our State seems to be moving along pretty efficiently now after a slow start. A large vaccine clinic is being opened this week in our county where they will continue jabbing people in Group 1A before moving on to the next group.  Unfortunately, not all states are moving as quickly.  I am continuing to watch the State of Oregon closely to see when my parents will be eligible to get their first vaccine.  

So when I look back on my journal in the future, this is want I want to remember about this day.  That I was vaccinated against a virus that a year ago I scarcely knew existed.  A virus that has since killed nearly 2 million people worldwide and over 370,000 in my country.  I recognize that not everyone will feel safe, or be able, to receive the vaccine; but never felt a moment of hesitation.  

Meanwhile, the impeachment plans in the House are proceeding and I expect will occupy much of our news over the days ahead.  And in the shadows, various conspiracy-theory and militant groups are making plans for a return to Washington - to do what, I can only imagine.  

Be safe, people.  And be kind. A little chocolate might not hurt either.


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