View Through My Lens...

By boyzee

Crab Apple jam of the future...

Frosty morning, so I pulled on my hat and a couple of lenses to see what the garden had to offer.. I had rather too many to choose from and am not sure that this is the best one..

Despite a slow day, it has been tiring.  I managed to convince the 2 smallest ones to help me cut up an old pallet after which we enjoyed turning it to ashes in the BBQ - a remarkably effective urban bonfire receptacle!

A little snooze by the fire (indoor one, and not the BBQ one), followed by roast chook and I think I am done.

Things to be grateful for:
Heating and something to eat.  Every time I have been to Sainsburys one can't help but notice the food bank donation buckets.  When you put something in, I know that it is helping someone, but I think deep down, I know it is not enough.  I noticed yesterday that it was empty.  What does that mean?  It means that people are still in need - even in a relatively affluent area like this, so I will keep putting things in..

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