
By DancingAly

New Books for Lou

They arrived in the mail yesterday- "Don't Want to Go" by Shirley Hughes, and "One Snowy Night" by Nick Butterworth. 

I had a little look through before I wrapped them, and this picture caught my eye- it reminded me exactly of how my mum sleeps in bed- just the tiniest bit of her face peeping out! We had a giggle- let's face it, there's not a lot else to be cheerful right now is there?

Tim's birthday today, 33. Didn't feel an urge to wish him a happy birthday this year. Progress. Too much else on my mind. 

I had some terrible dreams last night, reflective of what's going on at the moment. Funny what the brain does with your thoughts. I wish we could just have some sunshine to wake up to, instead of the endless grey which makes me feel depressed/anxious before I get out of bed...

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