Starting again

Didn't go outside apart from a short visit to the recycling bins, but managed to do 1/2 hour of Ashtanga, a bit of marking, a bit of statistics, and to cook another strange meal that used up more motley vegetables. It was v good that D rang up as I realised that I hadn't spoken to anyone all day. Sounded like he'd had a fun day doing his laundry.

Much gnashing of teeth amongst the musical fraternity about the WM gov having declined/forgotten to ask the EU for visa-free touring permissions for musicians(also actors, technicians etc etc). I don't know what they expected (I expected nothing, as usual, and am rarely disappointed). Presumably Johnson's attitude to music is the same as his oft quoted attitude to business ("F*ck business". So "F*ck music" presumably). So what remained of my musical career, as far as live performance goes, is over, as I've suspected for some time. Dug out my song list and decided to work my way through it to see if I can still remember them all. I might even put new strings on the guitar, even though there's no point. Apart from potentially annoying the neighbours. Hah!

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